I just wanted to take a minute & make history first of all for posting twice in the same 7 day period ever & also to just share a quick glimpse into my night.
I'm sure you're probably wondering (well, that is, assuming someone actually reads my blogs anymore...not that I'd blame you if you didn't...one can only bare so much neglect & disappointment from checking & never seeing any update)....I'll start again considering how much longer that run on sentence went.
I'm sure you're probably wondering what feeling "tabby" means...well, let me explain...
Long story short, when I first got my AWESOME Mac Desktop a few years ago, I was cleaning it & accidentally spilled some of my water on my keyboard (within the first week of course) & ever since, my tab key on my keyboard hasn't worked.
Now, many of you might think..."What's the big deal? Why even blog about something so trivial?" To you, I say in a "tabby" tone ('tab-by' meaning a spinster) You try to go even a day without using your tab key & see how hard that is! haha. :) In all honesty, it is really a pain, especially when you're trying to log on to your bank account or filling out applications for freebies online (true story)...instead of just tabbing to each new line, you have to
L-i-n-d-s-a-y (lift hands from keyboard - move them to mouse - click to next line)
B-l-a-i-n (lift hands from keyboard - move them to mouse - click to next line)
& so on & so forth. So, I sucked it up & took it like a man. haha. Now, to end my story with a happy ending. My Mac hasn't been working right since I was working on Cortney's Christmas present & it shut down randomly & I just haven't had time to get it looked at. Finally, I took it last week to the Apple store & while there I saw this beaut!!
It was scary at first to even think that I deserved to have all of my computer keys restored back to health & happiness, especially after they had been broken for SO long. I almost didn't even remember what it was like to have all of my keys back. But, the more I thought about it, the more I remembered that the reason I was in that situation in the first place was because I had broken an appendage, well, of my keyboard that is & I was kind of thrown into that effect from that cause in the first place. So, after I made the decision to finally change something from all the agony I was going through & reach for what I was almost sure I deserved (even before anything action had taken place), I felt like a load had been lifted & I could be free once again to type & tab all I wanted to! I even started feeling more like myself. haha. Hence the reason why you have 2 posts in the same week!!! :)
I know it's silly to blog about a silly seemingly small joy, but life is made up of little tiny things that make us happy & that make all the pain & struggle seem TOTALLY worth it. This tab key I'm referring to is literal & could have some symbolic meaning for something bigger going on with us right now, but.....hmmm....you might hear about that one later once the storm is over. :)
Thanks for listening....haha. :)
8 years ago
haha. You taught me how to use the beautiful tab key, and have saved me much time and many a clicks on the mouse. haha. I'm glad you have your computer restored, and thanks for the kick butt cookbook. I need a phone call when you aren't too busy. Love you!
So I think you should write more often. It's a good way to vent, and you are very captivating. I mean that in the most non-stalkerish like way possible. Even though I do stalk you. Love ya.
Captivating? Wow thanks! I didn't think anyone reads this anymore. haha. Good to know...I'll keep posting then. :)
Yes, plese keep posting! I am one of your faithful readers that, despite the lengthy neglect, continued to check your blog in hopes of a miracle (aka, a new post!). You have restored my faith in the blogging world. Don't let me down! :)
You deserve a working TAB key. I'm amazed you survived without one for so long. Seriously! That would drive me NUTS!
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