Friday, January 18, 2013

The Day My Life Changed Forever...

November 20th, 2012---This is the day my life changed forever.
(Only continue to read if you want to know...I wanted to write this so I would have it for us & wanted to share with those I love that have been going through this with me..) 
Maybe I should back up just a little.
I have not been happy with my doctor I had because after we had been trying to get pregnant for a year, she said it wasn't long enough & to try another year. I felt like she just herded people in & I never really got her full attention. So a great friend of mine (Jenn Fearnley), after doing her hair one night, we got to talking about our situation & what was going on & a few days later, I get a call from her saying she found this doctor that specializes in PCOS & that she wasn't going that route for this pregnancy but she thought of me. AMAZING! Love her forever! So, I scheduled an appointment with him for Nov 6th. I went in, talked to him a while about PCOS (my issue...) and he was so great. Lots of was great. I really liked him. I felt like he actually cared. He had me do an ultrasound to make sure my ovaries were okay & they noticed a 2.5 mm cyst on my left ovary. The tech went to go get the doctor. I was clueless & thinking the worst of course...Tumor? Growth? I had no clue. A few minutes of silently freaking out later, he came back in & told me that cyst meant I was about to ovulate. He said "Go home & have sex tonight & every other night for a week..." I know! TMI...but I have to tell you that so you can appreciate that I had NEVER been given such blunt (due to the fact he was a man I'm sure) & direct instructions in MY LIFE!! It was awesome. No questions, no fuss...just follow directions. So we did. Back to date....

November 20th-I was going into Dr. Stinson's office for my second appointment with him to follow up to see if my cycle had started on it's own yet for that month seeing as how I've of course had unreliable issues in the past and it was nothing new in the first place. (He told me a few weeks earlier that he wanted to me to come in on that day since I would be due to start & he wanted to start me on the provera if I hadn't yet so I could start all the fertility treatments again...Provera, Clomid..etc.)

I came in, peed in a cup (always fun...). Then, he sent me in to do an ultra sound. My ovaries were normal. He came in, told me we were going to start all the fertility stuff seeing as how I didn't start on my own...AGAIN. So, he wrote me 4 prescriptions & as I was about to leave, the ultrasound tech ran in looking frantic & asked to speak to the doctor really quick. So...again...silent freak out mode...a few seconds later, he came back in & slid something across the counter & said "Well, I guess I'm going to be needing those prescriptions back..." It was this...
I immediately started BALLING! I couldn't believe it! "Are you serious??? Are you serious??" She said "I watched the test go all the way across & it was negative, & I came back in a few minutes later & they were BOTH postitive! I couldn't believe it!" So...I was still so early (like barely 2 days late) so of course he told me to not tell anyone & to come in the next couple weeks to make sure everything is okay. It was the greatest day of my life!! I came back to the office & luckily Ben was gone so he wouldn't be freaked out by my hysterical crying & I told Adam!! It was amazing!! I still can't believe it. I feel so blessed in my life right now. It truly changed my life...that day, I will always remember. 3 years of fasting, praying & pleading with the Lord to bless up with a baby and it was all COMPLETELY worth it! Just to hear those words...November 20th will go down in history for me.