Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome to Adulthood!

Along life's road, there are many milestones that map a person's life that seem to assure you that you are growing up, learning & gaining ''experience''. Among such milestones are first steps, first words, then bigger events like graduation, marriage, first real job, first child, etc, etc, etc. So apparently, there is another hidden list that I was unaware of...probably filled with other dark things that symbolized wisdom & growth...

Well, right before Christmas, I was informed of an unknown milestone that I crashed RIGHT into! Here is the conclusion....
Now, here is the story...
It was a completely out of the ordinary Friday morning. I had woken up on my own at 6:00, with a full night's sleep, took my time getting ready, even had time to put on my make up completely before I left the house...none of which EVER happens on any other normal day. I left the house a little early (another occurance that doesn't happen regularly) & as I was driving to work, I took my normal route. Rush hour traffic even seemed to be lighter that day as well. Moving on, so I'm on Sam Cooper getting off on Highland. I pulled up to the stop sign behind a SUV of some sort & patiently waited for her to stop & then turn right onto Highland. This is what I saw:
Brake lights....Stop...pull out       .....brake lights...stop...pull out....
Each time she did this, she was driving past the stop sign & by the 2nd time, she was already IN the lane with the oncoming traffic (which there wasn't any...the only car even visible was in the other lane heading the opposite direction....see...another abnormal occurance!)
After the 3rd "Brake lights....Stop...pull out", I mistankingly assumed (seeing how only her back right tire was the only thing in front of the stop sign & she was moving) that she was making that incredibly crutial decision of pulling onto the road. Well....obviously....I was incorrect. I made sure she was moving, stopped & then glanced left, well, frankly to make sure the world was still turning...& as I was turning back, I let off the brake & BAM!!!! My car crunched UNDER her car! Whiplash just about & all.
So, what's my first Adam to inform....then call Dad & ask him what I should do. haha. My dad has always taken care of us girls & I knew I could call him & that he'd be understanding & help me figure out what I needed to do next. My dad is SO good at that.
Here's how our conversation went:
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah...I think so. What do I do now? I think the lady called the cops."
"Well, just wait for them to come & they'll just write you a ticket & you can call your insurance company when you get back to the office."
"Um...yeah, I think so. It kinda looks like....well, you know that part in Tommy Boy when the hood of their car....well, yeah, it looks a little like that."

"(Laughing...) Is your car still driveable?"
"I long as the hood stays down. That would really freak me out!"

"Just drive slow. (pause) Well, your mother just told me that this is your first wreck. I didn't know that. Welcome to Adulthood, honey!"

Hence, the title. Now, my car is fixed & fine & I got them to fix a few other things while they were in there & we had it back after we got home from Florida. $500 deductible later...everything is ALL good! haha.
Seriously though, it could've been a lot worse. It could've been a crazy person with no insurance & a gun that could've popped a cap in me or something, instead of a nice older lady wearing a green turtleneck & a Christmas vest. Didn't even know they made those past 1990...I stand corrected. Plus, I wasn't hurt at all besides my self esteem..haha.

Moral of the story is:
  1.) I will never, no never wear a Christmas vest with lights & reindeer dancing even if I think no one will see me. I just might get in a wreck. (I think that should be applied also to that clean underwear thing that I've always heard old people tell me.)
  2.) Try to find a shorter car if I'm gonna hit em so i can total it instead of just ending up with an embarrassing hood that clearly states that I got dominated!
  3.) I ain't been to work on time since! Are you brave enough to tempt fate?! I'm not....haha.


Cortney said...

haha...bless your heart. Crappy car trouble. I can't believe how bent up your hood got!
Way to wear that Kennedy Christmas sweatshirt...I'll make a mental note never to wear it in public as well. haha. Love you.

Lindsay Blain said...

Hahaha. I didn't wear it, the lady I hit was wearing a Christmas vest. haha. Priceless...

Meggan said...

You blogged! I love it! Love you! Don't love your smashed up car, but love that its fixed! Be good sweets!

megan and sam said...

Scary! I have to be honest here. I can't believe that you got into a real life wreck before I did. I'm DREADING the day that happens to me. Is there a person who has made it through adulthood without getting into a wreck? If there's not, I want to be the first!!

I'm also glad the other driver wasn't a big black guy or something. I probably would've cried. Glad you were okay! And I'm also glad that you posted something! WAY TO GO LINDSAY! Haha.

Jess said...

you make me laugh so hard! thanks for blogging and keeping us all updated on your fun adult events! ha! poor lady that had on the Christmas vest! take care gold digger

Amanda said...

My first accident was while I just had my permit. I was in a Saturn, my foot slipped of the brake, and I caught the door panel on the bumper of my seminary teachers car. It tore a chunk off the side of my car but didn't even leave a mark on his bumper (at least not one that was noticeably from me, he had teenagers as well). Very scary, but he was so awesome about it.

Emily said...

"I got dominated." I about laughed my head off at that. I'm so glad you're okay.
Welcome to Adulthood is right. Don't you feel all grown up now?