Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Camera Cord Found...Holiday Catch Up!

Well, with Memorial Day past, I wanted to take a minute to update our blog with some holiday pictures. I haven't been able to find my camera cord, but I did get a new printer that you can plug your memory card into, so now I can update our blog with pictures. Here's just the short & sweet seeing how I'm SUPER far behind! haha.

Valentine's Day:
We did some cute crafts for enrichment this year which I was SUPER excited about seeing as I have NO decorations for ANY holiday in my house, so I was all too excited (not to mention a little over-ambitious considering Enrichment's only an hour or so). Thankfully, my mom stepped in & helped & I finish the rest at home later. Here a few things that I did for Valentine's Day!
And this is what I found the next night from my sweet husband. 
He is SO wonderful!
Poor Adam, he never realized until we were married how much of a big deal holidays are in my family & he is really mastering it now. 
I love that man.

We have decided just to do baskets for each other & it was really fun. As you can tell, I got good pictures first thing in the morning & it was fun to wake up to baskets & then be able to stay home & watch General Conference together all day. Easter was a great day & conference made it EVEN better!

My Easter Surprise for Adam:

Adam's Easter Surprise for Me:

Isabell's Surprise for Adam: 
(she never does this except on the paper, which made it EVEN funnier! 
Yes folks, he stepped RIGHT in it! hahaha)

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

1 comment:

Cortney said...

Some bunny loves you...haha. I saw that note. HA! Those crafts were darn cute! Glad you found your camera cord! YAY!