Friday, October 29, 2010

Catching Up....

So, I KNOW this looks familiar if you keep up with my blog....
Well, here is what happened about a week & a half before we left for Mexico & a couple days after my birthday & the day after Adam's.
2 wrecks in less than a year after never having a wreck before was TOO much! We were watching Josh that week while my parents were out of town for vacation & I had taken him to Seminary that morning & then was headed over to Meggan's house to babysit so she could help Ben at work. So, I was on Trinity & had just crossed over Germantown Parkway when a car about 3 cars up flipped a U-turn when he could've waited about 15 feet til the turning lane ahead, but he didn't. So, the Monte Carlo behind him slammed on his brakes, the silver truck behind him tapped him & then slammed on his brakes & my poor little car....I was sittin' so low that I couldn't see anything over the truck. So, I slammed on my brakes & they didn't stop fast enough, so I swerved as much as I could without hitting the traffic in the other lane & slammed into to truck. The damage on the truck was about the size of a golfball from my car but mine was totaled. SOOO....long story short....after some serious adjustments on my neck & back from Whole Health Chiropractic Center & once we got back from Mexico...I determined that I do NOT want to be in a tiny car at all anymore. is what we got.... Check out my New Ride!!!
A 2003 Saturn Vue - 4 door - automatic windows & locks, music...and it's a BIG car!!! 
haha. I couldn't be more happy. Not to mention we got it for $6,000 & they gave us $4000 for my car that was totaled. What an awesome blessing. So, here it is! A blessing that started out as a trial. Love this life!! haha. And LOOOOOVE my new ride!!!


Loni Daniels said...

You are crazy! Two wrecks in one year??? What are the odds? Glad everything worked out, though. Nice ride! Now, just take it easy on the road, okay? No more accidents. :)

Cortney said...

AWESOME! That car looks saweet! Glad things are going better babe. Love you.