Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Austin's Room

We've had a little bit of drama surrounding Baby Austin's room the last few months. Before it became his room, it was the room we NEVER went EVER. It was pretty much storage for Christmas stuff & random extra furniture & stuff so when we were cleaning everything out to get it ready for baby, I was SO upset to find out that BEHIND a bookshelf...BEHIND the wall, the roof was leaking & had been for a while & we found some mold. YUCK! If it had been anywhere else in the house, I would've seen it but of course not. That's not how it works. So, Adam (with all of his impressive man skills...) took care of it & ripped out all the drywall & insulation & stuff & this is how my sweet babies room looked.
So, after about $350 of roof repair & help from Ben (our hero..thank goodness he knew how to do drywall) & Adam...and a little sanding and painting myself, it looked like this...
 I was driving Adam CRAZY cause the Blain's gave us a crib & dresser & stuff for Austin's room & I was DYING to start decorating & putting it together. So much so, that he was out with the Elders one night & came home to the crib completely put together...yep. I'm awesome (or just really impatient). 
 I still have a couple things to do but after Adam got the paint up...I went to work.
So, here is the finished product so far.
The Beautiful Crib...
My favorite thing ever. Meggan made Austin a BEAUTIFUL quilt with all the exact colors I wanted &it is so beautiful. He is going to love it. It matches perfect & took so much time & effort. And then Cortney helped her accessorize all the other bed linens to match. It turned out SOO cute!!
Rocking chair...
 Futon...for sleepy mommies later...And I LOVE the rug that Leslie got to match.
 And this is the dresser. 
After that night, I sat in that room for an hour almost just taking it all it. It is totally real now.
It is my favorite room in the house now. I even caught Adam in there the other day just sitting in the rocking chair when I got home. We could not be MORE excited to meet our little guy!
Adam is practicing with our nephew funny.

We can't wait to be parents of sweet baby Austin.


Meggan said...

It looks amazing! I am so excited to meet him too. We are going to trick out those walls with the most gorgeous prints you've ever seen... All compliments of... ME! Love you Loo!

Cortney said...

It looks SOOO beautiful! I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help and that it was so much work!

Sam said...

How sweet that you and Adam just sit in there, taking it all in! You're going to be excellent parents.