Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Best Mom EVER!

If you have talked to me in the last few weeks, you are fully aware of the fact that I've been a little bit anxious about our check from Obama coming in to be able to make our last month of mortgage AND apartment rent before our lease in finally up on our apartment & not to mention all the other normal bills. If you've talked to Adam in the last few weeks, you'll know he is SO sick of sitting on the floor in our completely BARREN living room to watch TV because we've been waiting on that money.
Well, I totally did a bad thing...We knew it was coming in sometime this week because they sent it out on Friday (supposedly), so we had been checking the mail & rechecking it. So, Monday, I got home a little earlier than Adam & upon investigation found it in the mail. Well, I got the bright idea (as fond of surprises as I am) that I would surprise Adam. So, I TOTALLY lied. That was the bad thing. But, what can I say, it was SOOO much more fun this way.

Long story short, I called the furniture guy & he said he could have it there the next afternoon (yesterday). Awesome!! It worked out perfectly. Adam had a football game last night & wouldn't be home until 11:00pm. So, after the guys delivered the furniture, which I LOVE and LOVE the fact that I got SUCH a great deal on it.
I called up my mother & gave her the okay to come over.
We checked our the furniture, got some inspiration & headed to the store. We found some pillows that were perfect at Ross', but MY favorite part is everything else.

A brand new world has opened up to me! haha. For the very first time I walked into Kirkland's!!!! And HOLY COW!! It is officially my FAVORITE store! It was all so magical! haha. I find myself now glancing at it while I drive by it every day, longing for the scent of candles, the warmth of the colors & the beauty of more shiny things in one place than I ever thought possible.
Back to reality...We found everything we could ever want and SO much more! I have the BEST mom in the whole wide world! She helped me hang everything, helped me figure out what I loved & helped me make it more of our home than our new house. She even helped me figure out what exactly my style was. She called it "Traditional Contemporary". haha. I just love it. So, next time I see you...don't be surprised if I invite you over...One & All to see my beautiful house!

I couldn't be more happy & proud of it. My mother is incredible...
Check it out!


Meggan said...

Love the pillows, love the square decor, love the couches and love the coffee table/ottoman looking thingy, love the candle holders (my personal contribution!), and love the water pitchers. So cool. And yes, we have the best mom ever. Thanks so much for taking pictures of this and posting. Corn told me that she was going to go by and see you snazzy new stuff tonight and it made me happy/sad. I love you both, and can't wait to see it for myself.

Eve said...

Cute, cute cute! What did Adam do when he came home in the middle of the night to a house full of furniture?! I LOVE Kirkland's. One of my very favorite (besides Pottery Barn, which is way out of my budget for now)!

Emily said...

Lindsay, it all looks incredible. I'm so happy that y'all could get up off the floor and have a place that feels like home. Can we come visit when we come for the wedding?

Niki Purser said...

It looks soo good!!! That is super exciting! Congrats on the beautiful furniture (all of it) and that amazing looking new room! :) LOVE IT!!!!

Cortney said...

I LOVE the furniture! Things are going along so wonderful in your life! One exciting step after the next! I'm so proud of you! Keep up your hard work and you will continue to see the blessings! Love you!

Sam said...

Fo' REAL... y'all are very blessed!