We played games & opened presents & they all shared advice for me. It was a lot of fun that night. We played a game where you have to lick the doughnut that's tied to the string without it breaking & whoever won was supposed to prove who the best kisser was. Of course, I won!
Then, there was another game that I didn't particularly enjoy, but oh how they laughed at me while I was trying to do it. I'll let you figure it out yourselves, but my reaction was hilarious now that I look back on it. Here's that game...(By the way, I did good.)
You want me to do WHAT?!

Yesss! It's OVER!

All in all, it was a LOT of fun that night & I'm so glad I got to laugh & spend some time with some of my closest & dearest friends. Thanks Meggan & Cortney!